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Calvin Tiengwe, Carolina M. Koeller, James D. Bangs (2018). ER-associated degradation and disposal of GPI-anchored proteins in African Trypanosomes Mol Biol Cell :mbcE18060380PDF




Calvin Tiengwe, Peter J. Bush, James D. Bangs (2017). Controlling Transferrin Receptor Trafficking with GPI-Valence in Bloodstream Stage African Trypanosomes PLoS Pathogens 13(5): e1006366. PDF


Calvin Tiengwe (2017). Postdocs, What Would You Tell Your Younger Self? The Long Journey Bringing Knowledge Home Cell 168 (5):745–748 PDF




Calvin Tiengwe, Katherine Muratore, James D. Bangs (2016). Surface proteins, ERAD and antigenic variation in Trypanosoma brucei Cellular Microbiology, 18 (11),1673-1688 PDF


Catarina A. Marques, Calvin Tiengwe, Lucio Marcello, Jeziel Damasceno, Alan Scott and Richard McCulloch (2016). Diverged composition and regulation of the Trypanosoma brucei origin recognition complex that acts in DNA replication initiation Nucleic Acids Research 44(10):4763-84 Wellcome Trust funded PDF




Calvin Tiengwe, Abigail E. N. A. Brown, James D. Bangs (2015). Unfolded Protein Response Pathways in Bloodstream Trypanosoma brucei? Eukaryotic Cell 14(11):1094-101 PDF


Kai Kammers, Robert N Cole, Calvin Tiengwe, Ingo Ruczinski (2015). Detecting Significant Changes in Protein Abundance, EuPA Open Proteomics 7:11–19 PDF




Calvin Tiengwe, Catarina A Marques, Richard McCulloch (2014). Nuclear DNA replication initiation in kinetoplastid parasites: new insights into an ancient process, Trends in Parasitology 30(1):27-3. Wellcome Trust funded PDF




Megan L. Povelones, Calvin Tiengwe, Eva Gluenz, Keith Gull, Paul T. Englund and Robert E. Jensen (2012). Mitochondrial shape and function in trypanosomes requires the outer membrane protein, TbLOK1 Molecular Microbiology 87(4):713-729 PDF


Calvin Tiengwe, Lucio Marcello, Helen Farr, Catarina Gadelha, Richard Burchmore, J. David Barry, Stephen D. Bell and Richard McCulloch (2012) Identification of ORC1/CDC6-interacting factors in Trypanosoma brucei reveals critical features of Origin Recognition Complex architecture. PLoS ONE 7(3):e32674 Wellcome Trust funded PDF


Calvin Tiengwe, Lucio Marcello, Helen Farr, Nicholas Dickens, Steven Kelly4 , Michal Swiderski, Diane Vaughan, Keith Gull, J. David Barry, Stephen D. Bell and Richard McCulloch (2012) Genome-wide Analysis Reveals Extensive Functional Interaction between DNA Replication Initiation and Transcription in the Genome of Trypanosoma brucei Cell Reports 2(1):185-197 Wellcome Trust funded PDF

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